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Boost Your Confidence And Restore Ageing Skin With Biostimulator Injections.

Posted by Agnes Lussier-Dow NP-PHC on 20 March 2023
Boost Your Confidence And Restore Ageing Skin With Biostimulator Injections.

Is Collagen The Secret To Nurturing Your Skin As You Age?

As you get older you will notice changes to the way your skin looks and feels. Fine lines, wrinkles, folds and loss of volume are all common signs that your body’s production of collagen and elastin (two key components to full, firm and elastic skin) are slowing down. These changes to your skin’s health and appearance are completely natural. But, they may make you feel self-conscious or even uncomfortable about the face you’re presenting to the world.

Good news! Minimizing the signs of ageing is possible with biostimulator injections.

Keep reading to learn the answers to four commonly asked questions about biostimulator injections and ageing skin.

  • What are biostimulator injections?

  • How do biostimulator injections work to improve the look and feel of your skin?

  • Why are the production of collagen and elastin so important for healthy, youthful skin?

  • Which three biostimulator skin treatments do we recommend to minimize the signs of ageing?

On the right, a woman with long grey hair receives an injection in her forehead. She appears relaxed. On the left a heading reads The benefits of biostimulator injections.

The Future Of Skincare Is Here. 

Biostimulators are compounds injected into the skin to provide volume and stimulate your body’s natural production of collagen, elastin, and tissue growth.

By stimulating your skin’s renewal process, biostimulator injections help your body strengthen the structure of your skin. This helps to minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles for months–and sometimes years–at a time.

Collagen And Elastin: Key Components For Healthy, Youthful Skin.

Collagen (a structural protein) and elastin (a highly elastic protein) contribute to your skin’s strength, volume and elasticity. (Imagine a fibrous scaffolding that is both flexible and strong supporting your skin. That is the power of collagen and elastin!)

Ageing and environmental factors (like damaging UV rays and environmental toxins) make it harder for your body to produce these components. Less collagen and elastin means an increase in fine lines, wrinkles and deep folds in your skin. So, by stimulating collagen and elastin production, biostimulator injections promote healthy, youthful skin from the inside out.


The Benefits of Biostimulators. 

When you receive biostimulator injections you are supporting your ageing skin at a cellular level. Often, the results are immediate and, because the natural production of collagen and elastin is given a boost, they are also long-lasting.

After a treatment, you will notice:

  • Fewer and less visible wrinkles, lines, and creases

  • Fuller skin with increased volume

  • Skin that is supple, smooth and taut

Choosing The Right Biostimulator Injections For Your Skincare Needs.

There are different products and treatments to help stimulate skin cell regeneration and the production of collagen and elastin now available in Canada. Here are the three preferred biostimulators by Agnes Lussier-Dow, NP PHC

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) Treatments 

PRP/PRF treatments tap into the natural healing power of your own body. A small 15 ml vial of your blood is drawn. Then, using a centrifuge, we create a concentrated serum of platelet-rich plasma and fibrin. The serum is then injected into your skin at specific depths depending on your aesthetic needs. 

The platelets possess a high concentration of growth factor which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It also supports cell repair, tissue regeneration and cell growth. This is great news for your ageing skin! 

Some of the many benefits of PRP/PRF treatments include 

  • Skin rejuvenation 

  • Increased moisture retention

  • Fewer fine lines and wrinkles

  • Less visible acne scars and stretch marks

If your anti-ageing skincare goals include reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restoring volume and supporting healthy and resilient skin, PRP and/or PRF treatments may be the best type of biostimulator injections for you. 


Sculptra is an injectable treatment formulated with poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). PLLA works to replenish lost facial collagen and to activate the skin’s natural regenerative processes. The result is smoother skin with fewer wrinkles and fine lines. Sculptra is usually offered as a series of injections. The effects build over time and can yield natural-looking results lasting for up to two years. 

To learn more about Sculptra, visit www.sculptrausa.com. Book your next Sculptra treatment in Peterborough online through 

Radiesse Collagen Biostimulator Injections 

Radiesses is an injectable filler and biostimulator. Its unique formula contains calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) and minimizes the signs of ageing in two key ways. 

First, it integrates into the skin to create a scaffold that lifts, restores volume and smooths the skin’s appearance. It simultaneously stimulates the production of collagen and elastin which, as the gel carrier breaks down, allows a firm network of collagen fibres to form. 

In this way, Radiesse injections provide immediate, natural-looking results and long-term improvement. For many patients, results last a year or more.

Radiesse is the preferred bio stimulator injection treatment for you if your goal is to: 

  • Smooth moderate to severe facial wrinkles 

  • Soften folds (like nasolabial folds or the creases that extend from the corner of your nose to the corner of your mouth) 

  • Correct volume loss in the back of your hands

Visit radiesse.com/how-it-works to learn more about how Radiesse works to reduce the effects of ageing on your skin. Or, if you are ready to experience the benefits of biostimulator injections, book a Radiesse treatment.

A graphic with a light pink background and blue arch shaes. A cell phone showing the booking app for a skin care treatment is on the left. On the right a block of text reads Radiesse biostimulator injections offer immediate, natural-looking results.

Restore Your Ageing Skin With Biostimulator Injections. 

If nurturing your skin as you age is important to you, finding skincare treatments that provide natural-looking and long-lasting results is the first step. 

Biostimulator injections like PRP/PRF treatments and Radiesse Biostimulator injections will leave you feeling fresh and rejuvenated as your fine lines and wrinkles soften and the volume and elasticity of your skin are restored. They offer immediate results and support healthy, resilient skin by encouraging your body’s natural production of collagen and elastin and supporting cell regeneration and growth.

Refresh and rejuvenate your skin. Talk to us about which biostimulator injections are the right fit for you and your aesthetic goals. 


Author:Agnes Lussier-Dow NP-PHC
Tags:Skin CareAgeing SkinBiostimulators