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5 Ways To Promote Healthy Hormones For Women With Nutrition

Posted by Agnes Lussier-Dow NP-PHC on 8 June 2023
5 Ways To Promote Healthy Hormones For Women With Nutrition

Did You Know That Nutrition Can Help You Balance Your Hormones?

Functional medicine values hormone health very highly– and for good reason! 

Your hormones are chemical messengers that regulate almost every system and process in your body. In addition to reproductive health and sexual expression, your hormones influence how you feel, how you look, how much (or how little) energy you have, and even affect brain function. Nurturing balanced and healthy hormones is an important part of women's overall health.

A balanced and nutritious diet can positively impact hormone balance and overall health. Therefore, supporting hormone health through healthy nutrition and lifestyle habits is always a smart and effective choice. Here are five nutrition strategies that can help to promote hormone production, metabolism and balance. 

  • Eat a diet rich in phytonutrients.

  • Balance your blood sugar.

  • Fill your plate with healthy fats.

  • Eat lean protein at every meal.

  • Boost your fibre intake.

Let’s take a closer look at each strategy and learn more about how nutrition promotes healthy hormones for women. 

Signs Your Hormones May Be Out Of Balance. 

Before diving into nutrition strategies to promote healthy hormones, it’s important to ask, “How do you know if you are suffering from a hormone imbalance?” Let’s take a quick look at some of the common signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance. 

For many women, the signs include:  

  • Low energy 

  • Mood changes and irritability

  • Anxiety and/or depression 

  • Acne outbreaks 

  • Hair loss or thinning OR hair growth in areas of the body where none previously grew

  • Unexplained weight gain or loss 

  • Stomach troubles including constipation and diarrhea 

  • Low sex drive 

  • Irregular menstrual cycles

Hormone imbalance graphic

One of the first places functional medicine suggests we look to figure out and address the root cause of the imbalance is your diet and nutrition. 

5 Ways To Nurture Healthy Hormones With Food 

Adequate nutrition is needed both to produce hormones and to effectively use them. Both processes are impacted – for better or worse – by the foods we eat. Therefore, proper nutrition is essential for healthy hormones. 

When you change your diet to get the nutrition you need, you can bring your hormones into balance more easily! Here are five ways women can nurture healthy hormone production and metabolism through nutrition. 

Eat A Diet Rich In Phytonutrients.

Phytonutrients are plant-based compounds. Research shows that some phytonutrients help regulate hormone production. Phytoestrogens like the isoflavones found in soybeans, for example, interact with estrogen receptors. In fact, they effectively block estradiol and can have a beneficial  “anti-estrogen” effect in some instances. Phytoestrogens, in the right amount, can lighten heavy periods, help to improve insulin sensitivity (important for anyone living with PCOS) and promote a more balanced thyroid. 

Here are 10 examples of phytonutrient-rich foods you could include in your daily diet. 

  1. Spinach

  2. Kale

  3. Broccoli

  4. Blueberries

  5. Tomatoes

  6. Sweet Potatoes

  7. Carrots

  8. Garlic

  9. Almonds

  10. Green Tea

Information about hormone metabolism

Balance Your Blood Sugar.

Hormones play a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels in the body. And, blood sugars affect the production and metabolism of hormones. It’s a two-way street. 

When your blood sugar levels are too high, it can disrupt “one of the most powerful hormones in your body: insulin.”  And insulin is closely connected to other important hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. Too much sugar often leads to too much insulin. And, too much insulin can lead to too much estrogen! 

All of the following foods are known to help balance blood sugar levels. See which ones you could add to your regular diet! 

  1. Leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale, collard greens)

  2. Nuts and seeds (almonds, chia seeds, flaxseeds)

  3. Berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries)

  4. Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal)

  5. Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas)

  6. Sweet potatoes

  7. Cinnamon

  8. Greek yogurt

  9. Avocado

  10. Salmon

Fill Your Plate With Healthy Fats.

Healthy (unsaturated) fats support the production of certain hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen. They also help to regulate insulin levels, which is important for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels--and thus, healthy hormone balance. Additionally, healthy fats can reduce inflammation in the body, which can also affect hormone levels.

Healthy fats are available from both plant and animal sources. Here are some examples that are easy to include in your diet and that add to your overall nutrition. 

  1. Avocado

  2. Nuts (such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews)

  3. Fatty fish (such as salmon, sardines, and tuna)

  4. Olive oil

  5. Chia seeds

Eat Lean Protein At Every Meal.

Lean protein helps regulate hormones in the body by providing the necessary amino acids for hormone production. Amino-acid-derived hormones including dopamine, melatonin and epinephrine are essential for the proper functioning of various systems in the body. Eating a variety of lean protein sources helps ensure that your body has the necessary building blocks to maintain healthy hormone levels.

Lean protein is easily available regardless of your dietary preferences. Here are 5 common examples of lean protein for you to consider next time you’re at the grocery store. 

  1. Chicken breast

  2. Turkey breast

  3. Fish (such as salmon or tuna)

  4. Beans and legumes (such as lentils or chickpeas)

  5. Greek yogurt

"Food is medicine" quote from Agnes Lussier Dow NP PHC

Boost Your Fibre Intake.

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that is not digested by the body. It helps regulate digestion and blood sugar levels and can lower cholesterol levels, too. Fibre binds to excess hormones and works to remove them through the colon. Without adequate levels of fibre, excess hormones can build up in the body and lead to imbalanced levels. 

Would you benefit from adding more fibre to your diet? Try including some of the following foods in your meal plan. 

  1. Beans (such as black, kidney, or navy beans)

  2. Whole grains (like quinoa, brown rice, or oats)

  3. Berries (such as raspberries, blackberries, or strawberries)

  4. Nuts and seeds (like almonds, chia seeds, or flaxseeds)

  5. Vegetables (such as broccoli, artichokes, or sweet potatoes)

Functional Medicine Offers Natural Solutions To Balance Hormones. 

If you are a woman looking for a natural solution to a suspected or confirmed hormone imbalance, we can help! Functional medicine looks to nutrition as a way to restore and support healthy hormones. With the right foods, you can be proactive in balancing your hormones and managing –or eliminating–your symptoms. 

Contact NP Optimal Health & Wellness today to learn more about how functional medicine can help you restore balance to your hormones. Call (705) 768-9155 or email npoptimalhealth@gmail.com today! 

Author:Agnes Lussier-Dow NP-PHC
Tags:women's healthNutritionhormones